Welcome to the Morgan community! All we need to give you a complimentary membership in MHAO for the year of purchase is a completed membership form from you. In the payment section, enter that you just purchased your first Morgan horse and who from. Then mail or scan the completed form to [email protected]. We will introduce you to our membership. During your first year with us we hope to earn your continued membership as a future paid member. Please complete the survey form below so we know more about your interests. This will help us to serve you better.
Once the form is completed, please mail your check made out to MHAO and the form to: Karen Breckenridge MHAO Treasurer 4715 Eola Drive NW Salem, OR 97304
2024 Membership Fees: $35 for Family (includes two votes) $30 for Individual (includes one vote)
Call Karen at (503) 580-4716 with any questions or to pay via credit card. If paying by credit card, email the form to [email protected].
Close date of the membership directory is March 1st
If you have questions or need assistance, contact Tammy Boyer [email protected]
Individual Membership $30.00 Includes one vote
Family Membership $35.00 Includes two votes
Did you just purchase your first Morgan Horse from an MHAO member? If so, you are entitled to a free membership in MHAO for the year of Purchase.
Welcome to the Morgan community! All we need is a completed membership form from you. In the payment section, enter that you just purchased a Morgan horse and who from. Then mail or scan the completed form to our membership and you will continue on with us.
MHAO WANTS TO HEAR FROM YOU! Please complete the survey below to let us know what you like to do with your Morgans!